
Latest News

A message from Long Bay College’s 2020 Prefects

Our awesome 2020 Prefects share some encouragement and ideas for the start of Term Two during lockdown in a video here. See these useful links:

12 famous museums offering virtual tours

Virtual field trips

Free musicals and plays during covid 19 lockdown

Andrew Lloyd Webb musicals released each week on a Friday – The show must go on

Robbie Williams Caronaoke

A big thank you to Deputy Head Girl, Amelia Claridge and BOT Representative, Kyle Sowry plus all our Prefect contributors.

Long Bay College

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Important Notification
LOCKDOWN - Finished

We have come out of lockdown and all students, staff and persons on-site are safely accounted for.  Everyone did extremely well and responded to instructions. A notice will be going out to parents/caregivers tonight to provide some more information on what has occurred today.

Kind regards

CJ Healey, Principal

LBC vert logo with tagline 2019-colour reverse

Important Notification

Long Bay College is conducting a lockdown exercise.  All updates are provided on our website.  Please do not come to the school or phone the school as you will not be attended to.  We will update this website when the exercise has been completed.  Thank you.