
Staff Contacts

Senior Leadership Team

To contact staff by phone please call the main office on 09 477 9009 then enter the extension number listed below when prompted.

Name Title Phone Email
Mr CJ Healey Principal Ext 824 Email Me (Melinda Hobman, Executive Assistant to the Principal)
Mr Mike Lewis Deputy Principal (Year 11) Ext 854 Email Me
Miss Lauren Wing Deputy Principal (Year 12) Ext 863 Email Me
Mrs Sarah Bicknell Deputy Principal (Year 13) Ext 869 Email Me
Mrs Jayne Jones Deputy Principal (Year 9 & International) Ext 816 Email Me
Mr James Heneghan Deputy Principal (Year 10) Ext 885 Email Me
Mrs Jacqueline Beasleigh Assistant Principal Ext 861 Email Me
Mr Richard Beechey Business Manager Ext 825 Email Me

Student Support

To contact staff by phone please call the main office on 09 477 9009 then enter the extension number listed below when prompted.

Role Name Phone Email
Careers Advisor / Dean – My Choice Ms Katherine Thomas Ext 839 Email Me
Year 9 Dean Mr Mark Carroll Ext 860 Email Me
Year 9 Dean Miss Alicia Chan Ext 884 Email Me
Year 10 Dean Mr Paul O’Leary Ext 821 Email Me
Year 10 Dean Miss Hannah Sturgess Ext 846 Email Me
Year 11 Dean Mr Martyn Longstaff Ext 881 Email Me
Year 11 Dean Mrs Elena Williams Ext 847 Email Me
Year 12 Dean Mr Keiran Machin Ext 882 Email Me
Year 12Dean Miss Kiaya Lupi Ext 819 Email Me
Year 13 Dean Mrs Lisa Lehan Ext 845 Email Me
Year 13 Dean Miss Ashley Murphy Ext 889 Email Me
International Student Coordinator Mrs Xiaoman Shao Ext 810 Email Me
International Student Coordinator Miss Jemma Jones Ext 810 Email Me
Learning Support Mrs Krik Evans Ext 865 Email Me
Student Centre Manager Mrs Maryann Denny Ext 896 Email Me
Attendance Officer Ms Kim Braddock Ext 878 Email Me
Head of Wellbeing/Guidance Ms Hiltrud Egle Ext 840 Email Me
Guidance Counsellor Mrs Burnedette Oosthuizen Ext 835 Email Me
Guidance Counsellor Ms Hannah Collins Ext 820 Email Me
Youth Worker Jackson Roach Email Me
Medical Attendant Ext 444 Email Me
Physiotherapist Ms Cailyn Selfe Email Me
Gateway/STAR/Work Experience Coordinator Mrs Kelly Rose Ext 811 Email Me
Careers Office Administrator Ms Hayley Noom Ext 837 Email Me
Library Mrs Libby Staden-Lea Ext 898 Email Me
Accounts/Cashier Mrs Natalie Hartnell Ext 849 Email Me

Heads of Faculty

To contact staff by phone please call the main office on 09 477 9009 then enter the extension number listed below when prompted.

Faculty Name Phone Email
Business Mrs Linda Everett Ext 862 Email Me
English Mrs Keli Sheblom (Acting) Ext 867 Email Me
EAP and Languages Ms Victoria Yun Ext 812 Email Me
Learning Support and SENCo Mrs Krik Evans Ext 865 Email Me
Mathematics Mr Tim Spratt Ext 873 Email Me
Performance Arts Miss Dannielle Savage Ext 894 Email Me
Physical Education/Health Mrs Mo Gleeson Ext 813 Email Me
Science Mrs Samantha Lewis Ext 871 Email Me
Social Sciences Mrs Tamara Mason Ext 863 Email Me
Technology / IT Miss Jana Durdevic Ext 829 Email Me
Visual Arts Mrs Liese Strong Ext 893 Email Me

Teaching Staff

First Name  Last Name Code Email
Marc Andelane ANMR Email Me
Dan Astwood AST Email Me
Micaela Baard BAM Email Me
Liz Bailey BAY Email Me
Tony Bailey BLY Email Me
Jacqueline Beasleigh BES Email Me
Sarah Bicknell BIC Email Me
Harry Booth BTH Email Me
Jimmy Bowens BWN Email Me
Lauren Brittain BRI Email Me
Victoria Brown BRV Email Me
Mark Carroll CRL Email Me
Alicia Chan CHN Email Me
Terry Chee CHE Email Me
Chloe Cope (McIsaac) CPE Email Me
Briar Cornwall CPE Email Me
Steph Curtis CUR Email Me
Ashley Davies DAA Email Me
Coby Delle Donne DEL Email Me
Tony Dooley DOO Email Me
Lucy Doran DOR Email Me
Jana Durdevic DUJ Email Me
Carina Engelbrecht ENB Email Me
Barbara Etzinger ETZ Email Me
Jeff Evans EVN Email Me
Krick Evans EVA Email Me
Linda Everett EVE Email Me
Nicola Faulkner FAU Email Me
Paul Field FIE Email Me
Allen French FRE Email Me
Christina Ganivatu GNV Email Me
Shreyoshi Ghosh GHO Email Me
Mo Gleeson GLE Email Me
Hayley Hardy HAH Email Me
Jingye (Jessie) He HJS Email Me
James Heneghan HEJ Email Me
Kelly Hooker HKR Email Me
Maria Hughes HUG Email Me
Jayne Jones JON Email Me
Ayesha Kausar KAU Email Me
Paul Kemsley-Smith KEM Email Me
Rob Kerr KER Email Me
Fazul Khan KHN Email Me
Heehwan Kim KIH Email Me
Kate Kim KIM Email Me
Zahra Kirk KIR Email Me
Jackson Kyle KYL Email Me
Amy Lambert LAA Email Me
Kim Lambert LAK Email Me
Lisa Lehan LEH Email Me
Dasha Lessing LSS Email Me
Karen le Roux LRX Email Me
KonPing (Queendy) Leung LEU Email Me
Mike Lewis LEM Email Me
Samantha Lewis LEW Email Me
Martyn Longstaff LON Email Me
Yao Lu LUY Email Me
Kiaya Lupi LUP Email Me
Kieran Machin MCN Email Me
Rhianna Maker MAK Email Me
Tamara Mason MAS Email Me
Debby Matulovic MTL Email Me
Hannah McClafferty MCF Email Me
Justine McIntosh MCI Email Me
Hayley Merritt MEH Email Me
Sarah Meyer MEY Email Me
Anne Millar MIA Email Me
Claire Moorhead MOR Email Me
Nathan Morkel MRK Email Me
Anna Motion MON Email Me
Jess Munt MNT Email Me
Hesay Murphie MPH Email Me
Ashley Murphy MPY Email Me
Kyle Naidoo NAI Email Me
Yoekie Nawn NWN Email Me
Hope Nobilo NOH Email Me
Paul O’Leary OLP Email Me
Gina O’Sullivan OSN Email Me
Burnedette Oosthuizen OOS Email Me
Matthew Overington OVR Email Me
Kevin Parslow PAK Email Me
Dylan Perrett PRT Email Me
Sharon Powell POW Email Me
Rob Price PRR Email Me
Rebecca Pringle PRI Email Me
Dannielle Savage SAA Email Me
Daniel Saxon SXN Email Me
Olivia Schertenleib SCH Email Me
Debra Scragg SCR Email Me
Xiaoman Shao SHX Email Me
Parth Sharma SHA Email Me
Keli Sheblom SHB Email Me
Krystle Sheehy SHE Email Me
Brad Simons SIB Email Me
Micky Smith SMM Email Me
Rohan Smith SMT Email Me
Tim Spratt SPR Email Me
Lerina Steenkamp SNP Email Me
Katharina Stockhaus-White SNP Email Me
Tatyana Strelets STL Email Me
Liese Strong STR Email Me
Hannah Sturgess STU Email Me
Ayesha Tariq TRQ Email Me
Katherine Thomas THM Email Me
Michelle Thomas-Ragg TMS Email Me
Dean Thompson THO Email Me
Adam Trail TRL Email Me
Anthony Tuxford TUX Email Me
Cornelius Viljoen VIL Email Me
Eric  Wheater WHE Email Me
Darren Whittal WHD Email Me
Taine Whitten-young WHI Email Me
Elena Williams WLM Email Me
Lauren Wing WIN Email Me
Jason Xu XUJ Email Me
Christin Yu YCT Email Me
Victoria Yun YUN Email Me
Tian Zhang ZHN Email Me


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Tournament Week 2022

From August 27 to September 2nd, our Long Bay College teams represented the school around…