


Digital technologies are an important part of your world as you use them to connect with each other, to learn new skills and pursue interests. Technology also offers new opportunities for teachers and leaders, as well as new ways for you, your whānau, iwi and community to contribute to your learning.

From 2022, BYOD laptop is compulsory for Year 9/10 students. It is our philosophy that a laptop brought to school is for education purposes and sits alongside the many other teaching and learning tools we provide. It is important the laptop brought to school meets specifications, which are outlined below.

School software and connectivity support can be provided by the school IT technician.


Please read through the BYOD specifications, prior to buying a new device. Be sure you understand the processes surrounding warranty, replacement, and repair through your chosen retailer.

Long Bay College requires students to work on a laptop, which is robust enough to run the various digital technologies that allow the best range of opportunities for learning. This allows students to be able to use the device’s hard drive. Chrome books do not have this capacity which means they are not appropriate for use.

The operating platform we use is Microsoft 365, which includes Microsoft Teams.

Providing equitable access to students to procure a device is important. Long Bay College has partnered with Noel Leeming to bring you exclusive offers. We also have several support systems in place.



Operating System

Recommend Windows 11 Laptop


Intel Core i5 minimum, i7 recommended or equivalent

Main Memory/RAM

4 GB minimum, 16+ GB recommended for Digital Technology, Media, Visual Art, DVC


128 GB minimum , 256 GB or higher recommended for Digital Technology, Media, Visual Art, DVC

Graphics Card

Recommended for Digital Technology, Media, Visual Art, DVC

External Ports

2 (or more) x USB 3.0

Wireless Adapter

Wi-Fi compatible – Update to 802.11n/ac/ax standards are supported Note: 802.11 ac/ax preferred


Antivirus Software (Windows Defender is highly recommended)

Battery life

Needs to last the school day i.e. 7 hours

Screen size

Minimum 11”


Other considerations

  • Weight and portability, especially for juniors. Students carry their device from class to class throughout the day.
  • Long battery life (7 hours +) – Students may not be able to charge their device at school.
  • Robustness – an excellent quality build with robust hinges and a rugged hard shell to provide durability.
  • Headphones may be necessary for listening to sound. The device needs a headphone port.
  • Warranty – students using the device will want faults fixed quickly, having a 2 or 3 year warranty is recommended. The college does not offer repair services.
  • Insurance – the college insurance does not cover personal property. You will need to ensure you are covered for replacement should the device become lost, stolen or damaged.

Support for a BYOD purchase

To ensure students reach their full potential in the face of financial hardship, Long Bay College will endeavour to assist families with a laptop purchase through the school or through links to support agencies.

There are a number of avenues open for support, ranging from BYOD pricing for Long Bay College Students at Noel Leeming, Interest Free Loans, in association with Noel Leeming and Good Shepherd NZ’s NILS (No Interest Loan Scheme), through to loan laptops direct through the College (limited number available).

Do I qualify for NILS?

  • You will need to be:
  • Entitled to a Community Services Card.
  • Reside in your current premises for more than three months.
  • Show a willingness and capacity to repay.

Long Bay College Support

Who is the individual support for?
Children and young people who attend Long Bay College as a domestic student, whose families are in financial hardship.

What can I get help for?
The support is to provide a laptop for schoolwork, for at school and completion of work at home. For enquiries please email [email protected]

When will my application be reviewed?

This laptop remains the property of the school and its allocation will be reviewed annually.

What information do I need to submit an individual grant?
A copy of your child’s birth certificate OR passport OR resident visa.

Your valid Community Services card OR two months of bank statements for all accounts.

How are individual applications assessed?
Each application is considered on its merits and allocation of a laptop is at the discretion of Long Bay College. Please include as much information about you and your children’s circumstances to assist in making their decision by emailing us on: [email protected]

School owned devices have an insurance excess of $100. A refundable bond of $100 is required.

Digital devices and communications

We expect all members of the Long Bay College community to use digital devices with respect.

Digital devices are permitted at school but students are discouraged from bringing them unless for educational purposes. Classroom use of devices, such as mobile phones, laptops and tablets as tools for learning is increasing. However, use of these in the classroom is at the discretion of the teacher and must be appropriate to the purpose of the lesson.

The school will not be held responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen devices.


NetSafe New Zealand provides some excellent resources to help manage the complexities of cyberspace. We strongly encourage students and their caregivers to visit Netsafe’s website:

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Long Bay College

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Important Notification
LOCKDOWN - Finished

We have come out of lockdown and all students, staff and persons on-site are safely accounted for.  Everyone did extremely well and responded to instructions. A notice will be going out to parents/caregivers tonight to provide some more information on what has occurred today.

Kind regards

CJ Healey, Principal

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Important Notification

Long Bay College is conducting a lockdown exercise.  All updates are provided on our website.  Please do not come to the school or phone the school as you will not be attended to.  We will update this website when the exercise has been completed.  Thank you.