Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award
What is the Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award?
The Duke of Edinburgh Award was created in 1956
- to equip young people for life and work
- to provide young people with opportunities to take on new ventures
2021: more than 130 countries have adopted The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award programme.
Over 8 million young people have participated worldwide.
NCEA Level 1 Unit Standards:
- 496 (3 credits) – Wellbeing
- 504 (2 credits) – Generic CV building
- 1293 (2 credits) – Be interviewed in an informal, one to one, face to face interview
- 3503 (2 credits) – Communicating as part of a team with a routine task
- 4249 (3 credits) – Describe Obligations as an Employee
- 5946 (3 credits) – Creating a presentation
Registration fees:
- Bronze and Silver – $86.25
- Gold – $115
Extra Costs:
- Adventurous Journey (Camp)
- External Provider (D of E accredited; Health & Safety)
- Other costs depend on which activities you choose for the other sections