Enrolment Journey
We invite you to begin your secondary school educational journey at Long Bay College.
Students who live within our college zone are entitled to a place at the school. We also welcome applications from out-of-zone students, who will go through a ballot.
For those students who live overseas and wish to attend Long Bay College, please visit the International section of our website.

Step 1: Submit application
Before starting, we recommend you take a look at the Academic, Get Involved, Arts and Sports sections on our website. This will give you information about the subjects and co-curricular activities available to choose from.
Evidence for In Zone Enrolment
Please also have the following documents scanned and saved as PDF’s ready to attach:
Two forms of evidence are required for proof of address:
- Tenancy agreement, Certificate of title or Rates
- Utility bill that includes name and address e.g. Electricity, Gas, Water, or Landline phone
For a family (possibly newly immigrated) who is sharing a house with another family.
- A letter from the main occupier stating the applicant and family is living at the address including:
- Length of time the arrangement has been place and will likely continue.
- The suitability of the house for two families.
- Signed by a Justice of the Peace
- Bank statement or some other mail that is addressed to them.
- Evidence that the student’s family is paying rent in some form.
- A letter from the main occupier stating the applicant and family is living at the address including:
Students who live within the school zone are entitled to a place at Long Bay College. For the Enrolment Zone Map click here and enter ‘Long Bay College’ in the search box. You can also click on address and enter your address in the search box.
The Boundary follows the coastline North around to the Okura Scenic Reserve and travels west back to the intersection of Bawden Road and SH1.
Note: Both sides of all boundary roads are included in the zone unless otherwise noted. Proof of residence within the home zone will be required.
Online Enrolment Application Form 2025
Out of zone students
- Out of zone application deadline for 2025 enrolments is 4pm on Wednesday, 4th September 2024.
- Following application submissions, a ballot will be drawn. To be confirmed for 2025.
- Proof of date of birth (either birth certificate or passport)
- If not born in New Zealand, proof of citizenship/residency/student visa. If on a student visa, parent’s work visa is also required.
- Latest school report. If in Years 11-13, a copy of the student’s NCEA transcript is also required (if from another NZ school).
Priorities for selecting out of zone students
These priorities and their order are set out in the Education and Training Act 2020. Boards can’t set their own priorities.
- First priority: This priority category is not applicable at this school because the school does not run a special programme approved by the Secretary.
- Second priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
- provide a copy of the sibling’s Birth Certificate showing the parents’ names
- Third priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
- provide a copy of the sibling’s Birth Certificate showing the parents’ names; and
- provide a copy of one of the siblings Long Bay College school reports/certificates
- Fourth priority will be given to applicants who are children of former students.
- provide a copy of the parent’s passport (photo page); and
- provide an old school report or certificate
- Fifth priority will be given to applicants who are either children of board employees or children of board members.
- Sixth priority will be given to all other applicants.
If at any time, there are more applicants than places available then a ballot will be held in accordance with the Education Act.
If you have any questions about Long Bay College or the enrolment process, please contact Mrs Sarah Bicknell, Deputy Principal Enrolments by email [email protected] or phone 09 477 9009 Ext 869.
Step 2: Book an interview
You and your child will sit down with a member of the school and go through your online enrolment form. This will include discussing subject choice, all the various co-curricular options available as well as any questions or concerns you may have.
In Zone enrolments are required to book an interview on the specific nights. The successful application will have the link sent to them by email to book their enrolment interview.
In Zone Enrolment Interviews – Please note different dates for In Zone and Out of Zone Applications
Out of Zone enrolments who are successful in the ballot will be sent booking information after Thursday, 11 September.
- Students must attend the enrolment interview with a caregiver.
- Please remember to allow 30 minutes for the enrolment interview and for completing any additional paperwork.
- It is essential the completed online enrolment form and accompanying documents are submitted prior to the enrolment interview.
- If your child has any additional learning needs i.e. you have an Educational Psychologist report to share or your child has worked with an RTLB, ICS (In Class Support), or has a diagnosis of a specific learning difficulty, SENCO will review all enrolment applications which have indicated learning support requirements. Parents will be contacted to change or set up an enrolment interview.
- Should you require a bilingual (Korean or Chinese) interviewer, please email: [email protected]
- Should you need to change your interview time after the booking system has closed, please call our office on 09 477 9009.
- On the day of the interview, please park in our main parking area and follow signs from there.
If you have any questions regarding enrolments, please email the Deputy Principal for Enrolment, Mrs Sarah Bicknell: [email protected]
Step 3: Aspiring Scholars Testing
Entrance Testing for Aspiring Scholars
Booking Code: TBC
Students who wish to be considered for the Aspiring Scholars class.
The Aspiring Scholars Programme is supportive of Academically able students and their engagement with our Junior Curriculum. It is not a “gifted” programme but one with some academic acceleration for bright students that will be of benefit to gifted students as well. It is a programme that covers five junior curriculum classes within the same class grouping: Social Science, Science, Mathematics, English and Health/Physical Education.
Being elected for the Aspiring Scholars programme is not seen as a reward but as a response to an educational need. Where appropriate the programme provides curriculum compacting and encourages differentiated tasks.
Entry to our Aspiring Scholars Programme is determined by identification in the enrolment process, feedback from prior school, educational psychologist report (if evident), performance in entrance testing and prior scholastic performance.
Students not initially selected, who indicate through high performance the ability required, will be offered the opportunity to move into the programme in Year 10.
Please contact James Heneghan for further information. James is the Deputy Principal who oversees Curriculum. [email protected]
Step 4: Entrance Testing
We give students a test designed to ensure your child is placed in classes appropriate for their current ability. This is only a starting point for their journey.
Testing date to be confirmed.
Step 5: Offer
In Zone
After the interview, families will receive a letter of offer which will include 3 forms which need to be completed and submitted to confirm your son/daughter’s place and for their application to be finalised.
Out of Zone
After the Interview and after the ballot, families will receive a letter of offer which will include 3 forms which need to be completed and submitted to confirm your son/daughter’s place and for their application to be finalised.