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The World Health Organisation has now declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic. As noted by the Minister of Health, this

  Due to the recent developments internationally and in New Zealand as a result of Covid-19, Long Bay College will

  Long Bay College is proud to reveal this year’s production will be, ‘WE WILL ROCK YOU!’ The announcement was

  Parents/caregivers – would you like to better understand the NCEA system and qualification? Do you have a son or

  Fantastic news for our Year 9 student, Josh O’Malley. He was selected to represent New Zealand in the Oceania

  Congratulations to surf lifesavers, Jack Doyle and Daniel Benzie (Year 13) as well as Henry Palmer (Year 11) who

  Congratulations to Hannah Corkill (Year 12) for her recent Surf Lifesaving achievement. Representing Red Beach Surf Lifesaving Club, Hannah

  Congratulations goes out to two of our Beach Volleyball stars. Year 13 Sports Prefect, Kayla Allison-Carnie has been named

SEMINAR ONE Parents/caregivers and teenagers – you are invited to the first workshop in a series that will be held

  Long Bay College students enjoyed a big day out in the sun at Athletics day on February 21. With

If anyone displays our school values of Respect, Care, Community and Creativity, it’s our former student and staff member Georgia

Pictured: Georgia Hale.  Getty images. Our former student and staff member Georgia Hale has been selected to the final three