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Latest News


  Tickets now available for the Dance Show.  The performance is on Wednesday 19, Thursday 20 and Friday 21, June

  Come along this Friday, June 14 to the Auditorium at 7pm to witness the incredible talent here at Long

  Long Bay College has created a new tagline to highlight the unique benefits of our school.  The words were carefully

  We’re super proud of our finalists who competed in the Otago University Sheilah Winn Shakespeare national festival, held at

  Long Bay College’s  Sustainability Prefect Portfolio and our dedicated Ecolution group hosted a Sustainability Week from June 5-7. The

  Students – here’s a great way to learn the road code and all the information you need for your

  Over Queen’s Birthday weekend, Long Bay College students will be performing at the national Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival at

  Long Bay College students were extremely fortunate to have an amazing opportunity when they attended an information and training

  Everyone is welcome to our upcoming Whanau Hui. It will be held in the staffroom on Monday, June 10.

  Calling all students in Year 9 Atawhai, sports teams or co-curricular groups – please be aware Photolife will be

  Long Bay College Year 9 student, inventor and entrepreneur Kate McIntosh has been named Hearing New Zealand’s first ever

  Congratulations to Long Bay College’s Arts Prefects, Tom Tobin and Aria Grant. They both have key roles in Disney’s