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The Long Bay College Premier Netball team began the season on May 1 winning their first 3 grading matches, comfortably

Long Bay College students proudly took part in the 2018 ANZAC Day Commemoration Service in Browns Bay with Head Boy

Long Bay College Head of Design and Visual Communication, Mr Paul Bourdōt is retiring at the end of Term 1

Chinese culture is certainly distinctive, alongside the development of China’s economy and globalization. The learning of Chinese language is increasingly

English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is a subject that Long Bay College students, international or domestic, take to improve their

I have been in New Zealand for 3 months now – school is awesome and all the classes are fun.

Business Studies is one of my favourite subjects at Long Bay College. In Business Studies, you run your own business

Drama is the perfect subject for you if you love theatre, music, dance and performing. The classes involve a lot

The main difference between P.E. lessons in Brazil and the lessons in New Zealand is the activities we do in

Chemistry is one of my favourite classes here. The chemistry class in Long Bay College is very different from what

Earth and Space Science is one of my favourite subjects here. I always used to hate science and in the

In Brazil I studied Geography for 5 years and I got very bored, because I learnt about general geography without