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Latest News


From Thursday, April 1 to Tuesday, April 6, Long Bay College will be closed for a Teacher Only Day as

Auditions for our 2021 College production, ‘We Will Rock You’, are scheduled for Week 9, March 29-31, 3.30pm-5.30pm in the

We warmly invite parents/caregivers of Year 9 students to an information evening on Wednesday, March 24. Please see your email

Long Bay College is reviewing the methods we use to communicate our student’s performance and results. Parents/caregivers of students in

It’s Long Bay College’s first 2021 Mufti Day this Friday, March 26. Our purpose is to fundraise for the Cancer

On Wednesday, March 17 between 6pm and 7.30pm (in M  Block) we’ll be hosting industry representatives from a wide range

Catch up on all things Long Bay College in the March issue of our newsletter, Wavelength. Despite two lockdowns, we’ve

Going back into lockdown can feel difficult but there are some ways to get through it and make the best

With Auckland at Alert Level 3 for our Week 5, we’re back to online teaching and learning (we’re getting super

The school Athletics Day will be held Friday, February 26. It’s one of the most  fun and colourful days of

A very big congratulations to Kate Fisher and Sam Cooper on their selection for the New Zealand U19 Beach Volleyball

As Auckland moves to COVID-19 Alert Level 2 at midnight on Wednesday, 17 Febrary, Long Bay College will re-open for