Staff in Charge
Head of Basketball – Mr Jacob Jones-Harvey [email protected]
(Should you wish to coach/manage a sports team, you will be required to undergo a Police Vet. Please contact the Coordinator for further information.)
Fees will be uploaded to your Kindo Account.
Uniform Requirements
Senior Premier Teams Boys and Girls
- Sports Office to provide Singlets and Shorts for players in these squads.
- White Calf Sock (2 Yellow Stripes) are to be purchased at the Uniform Shop.
Junior Premier Basketball Boys and Girls
- Teams are to purchase Basketball Singlet from Uniform Shoppe and wear PE shorts for numbering please contact Head of Basketball Jacob Jones Harvey. [email protected]
- White Calf Sock (2 Yellow Stripes) are to be purchased at the Uniform Shop.
Year 9 and Under 17 Basketball Boys
- White Calf Sock (2 Yellow Stripes) are to be purchased at the Uniform Shop.
All other Basketball Teams Boys and Girls
- To purchase their singlets from the Uniform Shoppe.
- They have a list of teams and players. They will then issue players a number.
- Players to wear/purchase PE Shorts and Black Socks, available in Uniform Shop.
Contact school uniform supplier Uniform Shop to purchase.
Practice Times
All practices take place at the Long Bay College gymnasium.
Training times will be confirmed once coaches have been allocated.
Match Day
The season runs through Terms 2 and 3 with finals at the end of August.
All Harbour Basketball competitions start in week 1, Term 2. Days and times to be confirmed.
Premier boys – Auckland Senior A competition – Friday nights home and away.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday depending on the league, and at various venues.