Music Tuition
Our students are privileged to have access to one of the finest teams of music tutors available in New Zealand. This reflects the commitment of Long Bay College to provide the best teachers, coaches, and tutors available.
In 2025, Long Bay College will offer itinerant music lessons in the following instruments and music areas:
Flute | Oboe | Clarinet | Bassoon |
Trumpet | Trombone | Guitar | Saxophone |
Violin | French Horn | Piano/Keyboard | Voice |
Drums | Bass Guitar | Double Bass | Tuba |
Music lessons are provided for between 20 – 30 minutes weekly, excluding days the school is closed for instruction and teacher-only days. To accommodate the fixed 5-day school timetable, music lesson times will be rotated each term and will begin in Week 3 of Term 1.
Most instrument lessons will be group based to accommodate the large number of students interested in learning an instrument. If you specifically want one on one lessons for your child, we are happy to help find suitable private tutors, alternatively some of our tutors also offer private lessons at school.
Itinerant Music lessons are available for any student that is enrolled at Long Bay College. However, priority will be given to students who are currently enrolled in our Senior NCEA Music and Junior Music courses, followed by students who are part of our co-curricular programme. Please note that spaces in our itinerant programme are limited and once the lessons are filled, students will be placed on a waiting list. Students and whānau will be notified if a space in the itinerant program becomes available throughout the year.
All students who enrol in school itinerant music lessons should participate in at least one Music co-curricular activity. Please see the list below for current co-curricular activities:
Concert Band | Big Band | Choir | String Orchestra |
Flute Choir | Jazz Combo |
Some of these groups require separate auditions. Follow daily notices and see the Music staff for more details.
Registration for 2025 Itinerant program will be open from Tuesday, 27 January until Wednesday, 5 February.
Parents and caregivers are required to complete the itinerant lesson music registration form on School Bridge. Students and whānau will be notified by email on if they were successful in gaining a place in the itinerant programme for 2025 and will be sent information about their lesson time.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Music department.
Amy Lambert and Jackson Kyle
P | 09 477 9009 832
E | [email protected] E | [email protected]

Long Bay College Celebrates its 50th Anniversary