Student Information & Key Contacts
Atawhai Leader
The students’ Atawhai Leader is an important first point of contact, a key support person and a guide throughout the College years, not only for the students but for family members. Please contact the Atawhai Leader in the first instance to discuss all aspects of school life.
Contacting your child at school
Please telephone or email the Student Centre if you need to contact your child during school hours. Please do not contact your child directly as this can cause disruption to lessons.
Student use of school telephone
If a student needs to make an urgent telephone call, please consult a Teacher, the Student Centre or Reception.
Contacting staff
Staff and Teacher contact information can be found following the link below.
Staff Contacts
Hours: 8am–4pm
Please contact our office administration team if you change your physical address, email address or phone number.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 09 477 9009
Hours: 8am–3.30pm
Please visit the Student Centre for:
- Timetables.
- ID Cards.
- All notes including Medical Certificates.
- Late passes – if you are late to school you will need a pass. Visit the Student Centre with a signed note from a parent/caregiver.
- Signing in/out – if you need to leave school for an appointment during school hours, please go to the Student Centre with a signed note from your parent/caregiver and to officially sign out. Signing out can only occur with written confirmation from a student’s parent/caregiver.
- Attendance – if you are unable to come to school, please ask a parent/caregiver to phone the Student Centre by 9.30am on the day of your absence by calling 477 9009 extn 878.
- Yearbooks.
- Uniform – if you do not have the correct uniform, go to the Student Centre before school to obtain a pass. Please show a note from a parent/caregiver explaining the reason and the date when you will be back in correct uniform.
- Lost/found/stolen property – report to the Student Centre at interval and lunchtime.
- Damaged property – report to the Student Centre at interval and lunchtime, or let your teacher know as soon as possible.
Student Centre Manager | Mrs Maryann Denny | Ext 896 | Email Student Centre |
Attendance Officer | Ms Kim Braddock | Ext 878 | Email Attendance Officer |
The International Department assists international students by providing pastoral support, administration, help with visa renewals and trips.
Homestay Coordinators
Mrs Jayne Jones | Ext 816 | Email Me |
Mrs Tian Yang | Ext 874 | Email Me |
24hr Emergency Contact | 0800 528 2555 |
The Learning Support Faculty assists students and parents with additional learning needs.
Head of Learning Support | Email Learning Support |
Our counseling team aims to help students explore any difficulties and concerns and to develop their capabilities and resilience. They offer leadership and expertise that promotes positive relationships through awareness of and respect for other’s differences. Students can request appointments by email during school hours.
Guidance Counsellors | Email Guidance Counsellor |
Head of Wellbeing
Hiltrud Egle | Ext 840 | Email Me |
Burnedette Oosthuizen | Ext 840 | Email Me |
Ms Hannah Collins | Ext 820 | Email Me |
Jackson Roach | Email Youth Worker |
The Careers Centre assists students and parents at all levels:
- Career information.
- Finding work experience opportunities.
- Preparing for job interviews and CVs.
- Linking to short polytech courses.
- Advice on appropriate courses leading towards particular careers.
- Gateway work placements.
For general inquiries please email the Careers Centre.
Careers Advisor | Mrs Katherine Thomas | Ext 839 | Email Me |
Gateway / STAR / Work Experience Coordinator | Mrs Kelly Rose | Ext 811 | Email Me |
Careers Office Administrator | Ms Hayley Noom | Ext 837 | Email Me |
School software and connectivity support can be provided by the school IT technician. To find more information on IT assistance please visit our IT Information page
Hours: 8.30am–4.30pm
If a student requires urgent assistance outside of these hours, please see Reception. For students’ medical needs, the Medical Room offers:• First aid treatment for illness, injury, anxiety or ongoing needs.• Medication storage – Long Bay College does not provide any medication. Please bring it in from home and it will be stored in the locked medical cupboard under your name. If you take regular medication, please bring it in.
Medical Attendant | Ext 444 | Email Me |
If a student feels ill or is injured while at school, the student attends the Medical Room where we request that the school contacts the parent/caregiver, not only to inform them of their child’s health status but ensures the student is attended to and is safe, and that we can confirm the support required.
Our college Physiotherapist will see students who have an ACC injury. This could be from an injury at home or at school. An appointment must be made to see the Physiotherapist.
Physiotherapist | Ms Cailyn Selfe | Email Me |
Please check:
- The Kamar Parent Portal – please login to view results, timetables, attendance records, reports and more.
- Student Information – information about student progress is available through the Kamar Parent Portal, parent evenings, digital reports and contact with the student’s Atawhai Leader, subject teachers and Deans.
- Facebook page
- Student Centre notices
Email addresses for all teaching staff are available here. For contact with support staff that has not already been listed please contact reception to direct you to the right department.
The Sport Centre will assist students and parents at all levels with sporting information such as fixtures, uniform and equipment.
Email Sports Centre
Latitude 36 Fitness Hub
Hours: 3:15pm–4:5pm, Friday
The College Fitness Centre is a great facility and can be accessed by all students.
Director of Sport | Mr Andrew Mobberley | Ext 876 | Email Me |
Sports Coordinators | Mrs Sarah Phoenix | Ext 864 | Email Me |
Arts and Clubs
Please visit the Arts and Clubs page and the Music and Performance page for more information and contacts about the co-curricular activities we offer.
To discuss opportunities or for advice or guidance about choosing co-curricular activities, students are requested to contact their Atawhai Leader.